Syarat Mendirikan CV Kontraktor - Expanding Your Business with Ease

Nov 5, 2023


Welcome to, your ultimate resource for all things related to automotive, auto parts & supplies, and auto customization. In this article, we will dive into the topic of 'syarat mendirikan cv kontraktor,' providing you with a comprehensive guide on establishing a successful contracting company. Let's explore the necessary steps and requirements for starting your own CV kontraktor.

Understanding CV Kontraktor

Before we delve into the detailed requirements, it's important to have a clear understanding of what CV kontraktor stands for. CV refers to 'Commanditaire Vennootschap,' which represents a limited partnership in the Indonesian business context. Meanwhile, 'kontraktor' translates into 'contractor,' indicating the scope of services provided by the company.

The Benefits of CV Kontraktor

Choosing to register your contracting business as a CV kontraktor offers several advantages. Firstly, it allows for a flexible management structure, enabling both active and silent partners to participate. The limited liability feature safeguards your personal assets in case of business-related issues. Additionally, CV kontraktor enjoys tax benefits and simplified financial reporting requirements.

Requirements for Establishing CV Kontraktor

Now, let's explore the essential requirements for setting up your CV kontraktor:

1. Legal Entity Registration

To get started, you need to register your CV kontraktor as a legal entity. This involves submitting necessary documents, such as the company's Articles of Association, Deed of Establishment, and identity cards of the partners. It is also important to acquire a formal company name through the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

2. Capital Investment

CV kontraktor requires a minimum capital investment as stipulated by Indonesian regulations. The capital can be provided by either active or silent partners. Ensure that the invested capital meets the legal threshold to proceed with the registration process.

3. Tax Registration

Obtaining a tax registration number (NPWP) is crucial for your CV kontraktor. This number serves as an official identification for tax purposes and enables your company to carry out various financial transactions smoothly. Ensure compliance with tax regulations to avoid any legal implications in the future.

4. Obtaining Necessary Licenses

In the construction industry, specific licenses and permits are required to operate legally. Some essential licenses include Building Construction Services Business License (IUJK), Construction Services Business Entity Certificate (SBU), and Construction Safety Certificate (Sertifikat K3). Contact the relevant authorities to obtain these licenses and ensure compliance with safety regulations.

5. Hiring Competent Employees

A successful CV kontraktor depends on having a team of skilled and competent employees. Hire individuals who possess the necessary qualifications, experience, and expertise in the construction field. Conduct thorough interviews and background checks to ensure the suitability of candidates for your company.

6. Building Strong Networks

Establishing partnerships and building strong networks within the industry can significantly contribute to the growth and success of your CV kontraktor. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and actively engage with other contractors, suppliers, and clients. These connections can open doors to new opportunities and projects.


In conclusion, setting up a CV kontraktor requires careful planning, adherence to legal requirements, and a commitment to excellence in the construction industry. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can successfully establish and expand your contracting business with ease. Remember to stay informed about the ever-evolving regulations and best practices to maintain your competitive edge. Good luck on your entrepreneurial journey!

Ignacio Coronado
This article is incredibly informative and helpful! Thank you for sharing this valuable information.
Nov 7, 2023